As our course participants are predominantly Healthcare related it is our expectation that our participants are fully vaccinated as we are ourselves.
With the Heart and Stroke recently adding the recommendation of addressing a vaccine policy for the instructors and participants as outlined here:
Heart & Stroke strongly recommends that all resuscitation instructors and their students be fully vaccinated in order to create the safest possible teaching and learning environment. Heart & Stroke requires that each credentialed instructor create and implement their own COVID-19 vaccination policy and make it easily accessible to students prior to course registration to help students make an informed decision about their resuscitation education.
We will now be asking all participants to download their proof of vaccination from the Ontario government website. We will require all participants to email us the proof of vaccination PDF file the same day you have registered on the Heart and Stroke portal for one of our course offerings. In the event we have an unvaccinated individual wishes to attend one of our classes, we will contact all other participants asking if they would still attend the course session if there will be any unvaccinated participants included in the class without disclosing the identity of any unvaccinated individuals. Our intention is to provide as safe a training opportunity as possible, adhere to public health recommendations/guidelines and allow every participant to make their own decisions based on their personal risk assessment. We have set up our training hall to maintain social distancing where possible and continue to adhere to our local public health measures, including mask mandates. All participants will receive a Covid-19 screening form from us in an email prior to the course. The form is also provided on site to be completed when you arrive for the course.
If you are not fully vaccinated as outlined by Public Health, please understand that if any of the other participants choose to cancel their own registration in the course rather than attend with any unvaccinated participants in the session that the course may get cancelled due to the Heart and Stroke class size minimum requirements. We have always welcomed requests to facilitate private group classes which meet the Heart & Stroke minimum class size requirements.
We will continue to monitor for any updates from the Heart and Stroke, Public Health and the various levels of Government regarding guideline changes and adjust our policies and procedures as required.
Please contact us at if you have any questions regarding this policy.
Thank you.
Matthew & Donna Wells
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